Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May I have this Dance

The weather here has been super warm. Isaac and I decided we wanted to try to cool off in our neighbors pool.When we arrived there were three older children in the pool. All of these children were roudy and rough and just wanted to wrestle around. They invited Isaac to play with them some of the games , but it is was all to rough still for Isaac.

During one of the crazy games Isaac smiles at me and says "Mommy may I have this Dance?" It was so sweet . Isaac and I danced around the craziness in the pool.

I love his heart and his sweetness toward his Mama.It is hard to see him growing up so fast, but it is great to see what a sweet boy he is becoming.

Monday, May 24, 2010


As a Mom I try to show my son how to be a great friend. I have had some of the same friends for years but I am learning they are my friends when they need me and only then. I want Isaac to be a compassionate friend but I also do not want him to be constantly walked allover, as I have in a few of my friendships.
I am also blessed with a handful of amazing friends who are there for me always and I am there for them. I am so blessed to have these three great Ladies in my life.

This week my goal is to try get my friendship priorities in check and be the best Mom and example I can be to my son.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

homemade cookbook

Andrew's best friend is getting married next month. I figured I would put
two of my favorite things together to make them a special gift. I love to scrapbook and I love to cook , so wa la there we have it. I am having fun sitting down and picking favorites together for this fun gift.

What are some creative gifts you have given?

Friday, May 21, 2010

Family Time

I am so thankful for the family the Lord has blessed me with. He has also blessed my husband with great hours , and these ours just got even better. Andrew goes to work at 6 every day and gets out at 2:00. Family time starts by 2:30 which is such a blessing especially with warm weather here.

(His hours used to be from 6:00 until 2:30) I know it is only a half hour but every second is enjoyed.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thrifty Thursday

Isaac loves to a be knight and pretend to fight. My husband and I find new armor at the thrift store almost every week.We found the helmet, breast plate and the hand piece for $1.11 for all three pieces. At that price no wonder he has enough armor to cover a small army.

Go to your local thrift stores and see what treasures you can find this week.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How to train a Dragon

Isaac went to see the the Movie "How to Train a Dragon recently. Now Isaac walks around pretending to be a dragon.

I love Isaac's imagination .


Recently in one of our tips to the thrift store we found this. Isaac loves this chair and since it hot he is sleeping on the floor on our $.35 treasure.

Marble mania

As a child my husband Andrew loved marbles. He loved to collect them and play with them. I could not figure out what his fascination with marbles was all about until yesterday....... We went to our favorite thrift store and there it was the thing that had prompted his love a giant marble track. as you can tell this kept Andy and Isaac entertained for hours.

I love it hours of entertainment no batteries , no tv no fancy sound effects.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes

On Thursday afternoon our neighbor was going to the hospital to have twins. I asked Isaac to pray for her. His prayer: " Dear God please help her have a safe delivery, and Lord it is a good day to have babies. " He is such a sweetheart.

Both babies were healthy and happy and everyone is home getting used to two little miracles.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

A childs Heart

For the last few weeks we have been learning about wants and needs in school. Isaac has had to write several times things he wants . At the top my my sweet five year old son's list is a baby. He is such a sweet heart. He has been praying for a year and a half for a baby for our family.

I am so thankful for my miracle . His heart and thought of others amazes me every day

Friday, May 14, 2010

old made new

A month or two ago I found a doll house at the thrift store the only problem was that the cushions in the beds were worn and falling a part. So yesterday I decided to sew covers on the beds. Not perfect but much better.Isaac is obsessed with Pokemon so he uses it as a pokemon house, so i decided to use an old pokemon sheet as the fabric for this project.

I love when I can find something for a great price and make it a little better for pennies

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Turkey ham

I am not able to eat Ham or any pork due to an allergy. A friend suggested I try turkey ham. I loved it , it tasted so good it had been 10 years since I have had ham so I was so excited..... Then I realized I can not eat it either. I was sick all of today after eating it. Hopefully I will be feeling better soon so Isaac and I can have a normal day tomorrow.

Wordless Wednesday

Hide and seek ! Isaac favorite hiding place in hide and seek.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

On Mothers day we helped our neighbors put up a pool in their backyard. All three of the children could not wait to get in. It was 60 out side and all three still jumped in. They shivered and smiled ans laughed as they enjoyed the new pool.
As a young child I was always the first one in the pool after dad had filled it. Still trying to decide if I am still that crazy.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Long journey

I have always fought the battle of weight from the time I was 12 years old. My weight would go back and forth constantly it seemed. I always listened to what others said to do and did not listen to my body for what it needed.
After Isaac was born I started exercising, eating right and it paid off I was smaller than I had been since before I was 12! I was so excited . Then something unexpected happened . I started gaining weight. I was still exercising and still eating right but I gained 30 pounds in 2 months. I was so discouraged. I went to the doctor and they could not find the cause so I got more discouraged, I fell back into my old habits again and gained another 30 pounds.

Last year I got things a little more under control but I was still listening to others and what they felt would work for me and I maintained the same weight for a year. I was excited but I was not happy still having those 60 pounds on me.

I have decided to go back to what I know works for me. It may not be the same as what is right for others but I am learning that there is no one size fits all when it comes to exercise and dieting.I want to be healthy. If I do not hit that 60 pound down mark i will be happy as long as I know I am exercising and easing right.

Iam putting this all on here as the beginning of my renewed journey in hopes of a little acountability.

hope everyone has a wonderful Monday

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hats off to Mom

For Mothers Day all of the girls in my husbands family went to a Mother daughter banquet. The theme was "Hats off to Mom". The speaker spoke about all the different hats that mothers wear. She also spoke to those there that were no Mothers and how to be an example to the children around you.

I enjoyed my self tons and was so thankful for the time to spend with family and friends to celebrate the most wonderful job ever , being A Mommy. Happy Mothers Day to all Moms out there.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Enjoying the weather

It has been a beautiful week here! So much so that we have spent a good part of it outside in the wonderful sun. On Tuesday we went fishing with the neighbors. None of the children caught anything ,but it was still quite enjoyable. On Thursday we played outside with the neighbors for a few hours, which was also tons of fun.

On Friday evening we decided to go for a walk as a family. We called up some friends who live in the neighborhood we were looking to walk and they decided to go with us. It was so enjoyable to have another family to walk with and it was so much fun. Seven children ( who amaziningly did not complain too much)and four adults. The perfect ending to a crazy but fun week.

I am so thankful for all the wonderful friends the Lord has blessed our family with.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Yesterday I sent Isaac to the basement to get flour from the deep freezer. The first time he returned quickly with no problems. When I sent him later in the day it was taking what seems like forever. I call down the stairs to see if everything is okay and I hear say what sounded like he hurt his foot. So I go down the stairs Mommy's hands still covered in dough to find him standing by the freezer just fine. I ask again to realize his tongue is hurt. When I asked him what he did he told me he licked what he thought was sugar on the inside of the freezer and his tongue got stuck. I was trying so hard not to laugh and be sympathetic.

I think I held my amusement back pretty well.
I am also sure Isaac will never lick the freezer again.

Mirror , Mirror on the Wall

Isaac has had a fasination with looking at himself in the mirror. Over the years we have got some really cute shots.

Hope you enjoy a walk down memory and cuteness lane with me.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pain in the foot

Sorry for my lack of updates this week! The weather changing almost 20 degrees a day is havic on my feet. The last 3 days I awoke with such pain that I could barerly get down the stairs to help my hubby in the morning. We do not know what is causing it right now so please keep me in your prayers.

Monday, May 3, 2010

great weekend

Had a busy but great weekend! Friday was spent running around paying bills and grocery shopping.Saturday morning I got up did a little thrifting then I went with my Mother -in-law and three sister -in-laws to a mother daughter banquet. After the banquet I went back to my Mother-in -laws house for a birthday party for my wonderful husband. We did not return home until 10 . Then on Sunday I woke up wide awake way to early!! I made homemade spaghetti sauce from scratch then made a yummy vegetarian lasagna. After I was finished cooking that we rushed out the door to meet my Father-in law for a birthday lunch for the hubby . When we got home we played outside with the neighbors until 5:30 at which point we went to church for Isaacs closing program for Awana . needless to say when we got home at 8:00I was exausted I thought yet here I am at 2:00 in the morning wide awake.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

creative and cute

A few days ago Isaac was plasying with play-doh when he came to me and told me he was making Mommy dessert. First he made me vanilla pudding with Oreo cookies doesn't it look real..... then he made me a birthday cake. My little boy is such a sweetheart!

I love being a Mommy!